Three American Presidents interviewed by God

After passing on, George Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump are going for an interview with God.

God asks Bush, “What do you believe in?”

Bush answers, “I believe in the free market, and the strong American nation!”

God is impressed by Bush and tells him, “Great, come sit on the chair on my right.”

Next, God asks Obama, “What do you believe in?”

Obama answers, “I believe in the power of democracy, helping the poor, world peace, etc.”

God is really impressed by Obama and tells him, “Well done, come sit on the chair on my left.”

Finally, God asks Trump, “What do you believe in?”

Trump answers, “I believe you’re sitting on my chair.”

Agradecimentos à minha cunhada, Oriana Moreira, por ter descoberto esta pérola algures na Internet e a ter partilhado comigo!

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Não sei quem sou, mas sei que não sou quem pensas que sou.

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